Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm back baby

Well, I haven't posted anything new for a while... a long while. This is mainly because I was so disillusioned by the schism of the conscience cognitive assimilation of beer from the metaphysical experience, to the point where as I had to take a leave of absence. That and the fact I am a chronic procrastinator. Regardless I'm back for now and in the time between the gap I have learned to focus my efforts on domestic beer mostly as the majority of quality we get imported is quite shite. I have also decided on revamping the blog which I will do over the course of the next few weeks. My focus will be more on Australian beers and perhaps to roll-in a ranking system to generally be more helpful.

1 comment:

Brian Yaeger said...

So how's the 2-year focused revamping process coming along?