Monday, October 6, 2008

Red Emperor Amber Ale

I had never seen this beer until I stumbled across it in Dan Murphy's last week (Dan Murphy's FTW!) and the sexy mermaid on the bottle was enticing enough. On the Fish Rock brewery website I can see that this company only makes two beers, this amber ale and a pilsner type concoction. I also noted that their beers are made under the Reinheitsgebot law which I don't believe is very commonly practiced here in Australia. The beer has a nice mousse-like head with a clear ginger ale like colour. This is another beer that seemingly has no smell, but once it had been agitated a little I could start to detect a fresh floral aroma. I found this ale to be a slow sipping drop with tastes of fresh fruit (lime, passionfruit and perhaps watermelon) and meringue. Although not as prominent as some other ales I have tried there was a nice maltiness to the palate.

My one complaint about Red Emperor is that it is a bit anticlimactic, theres just some X factor missing I can't quite pin-point. Regardless this is a very nice well-rounded beer, the kind I would like to enjoy on tap while having a nice counter lunch.

Brewery: Fish Rock Brewery
ABV: 4.5%

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